Catholic Church & Parish Websites
Websites for Catholic Parishes
Imagine if it were incredibly easy to update your parish website. Imagine a website built from the ground up with Catholic Parishes in mind. Imagine if it were both affordable and beautiful. Take control of your website with our incredibly easy drag and drop editing tool. Enjoy the automatic mobile friendly version of your website. Integrate seamlessly with your existing online resources and social media outlets. Simple Pricing
Affordable monthly fees. Inquire for exact price for your organization. We setup 5 pages for you for free. You can add in as many more pages as you like any time at no additional cost. We can also add in additional pages for you at $100/page (one-time fee). The number of pages does not affect the monthly fee.
Mobile Friendly
All of our websites format beautifully for mobile devices automatically. You don't have to do anything special. Simply edit the site in the site editor and you are updating the mobile version of the website as well. Embed Calendars, Videos, and More Easily embed Google Calendars, Youtube Videos, Google Maps, and more. Social Media Integration Embed or link to popular social media sites. Pray and Learn Resources A vast collection of prayer and learning resources such as Liturgy of Hours, Daily Mass Readings, Order of the Mass, Busted Halo, ETWN, Catholic Movie Reviews, Sunday reading reflections, etc. Drag and Drop Editor Our easy to use website editor uses drag and drop technology. Simply grab a website item from the toolbar and drag it onto the screen. No code view or software required. Edit Anywhere Our website editor is entirely web based. You can update your website from any internet browser. You can even edit using a mobile device or a tablet. The username and password can be shared among multiple staff members as well. Mobile App Integration Our websites integrate seamlessly with our mobile apps. The nicely formatted website pages site beautifully inside our apps, saving you the effort of updating the app and website for frequently used pages such as news and events pages. RSS Feeds Pull in news and resources from already existing RSS feeds. Photo Gallery Easily upload photos into a photo gallery or create multiple galleries. Slideshows and Images Upload images and resize and crop them right inside the editor. Change the slideshow settings and image effects as well. Contact and Registration Forms Easily drag and drop contact form fields onto the page to create contact form and sign up sheets. Columns, Dividers, and Formatting Wish your page had two columns? Simply drag a text or image block to the far side of the page and a new column is instantly created. Drag in another element to make a third or more columns. Drop in a divider line for attractive and practical content spacing. Resize text and make it bold to highlight important items. Blog / News Pages Built in blog feature allows you to create a blog, news or pastor's reflections page which automatically orders and archives old posts. An RSS feed is also available so users can follow your posts directly. Buttons and Files Drag a button feature onto the page, type the button text right on screen, and then link the button to a website page, a page inside the website, a document, or an email address. Order & Manage Pages Drag and drop pages to re-order them or to make drop down menus. You can also rename pages or make them active/inactive. Password Protection Create a password and protect as many pages as you'd like. Block Quotes Easily make text stand out with the block quote feature. Search Engine Optimization Update site keywords to optimize search engine results. For Catholic Parishes Parish Solutions Company is a website solution provider for Catholic Churches. |
Take a peek at a sample Parish website and learn how to update, edit, and add to the website using the easy back-end editor.
Website Samples - Wide Design
St. Viator Catholic School Emory University Aquinas Center - Atlanta, GA Ave Maria School - Parker, CO Incarnation School - Sarasota, FL St. James School - Perris CA Diocese of El Paso Messiah Lutheran - Brownsburg, IN St. Paul Episcopal - New Orleans, LA Redeemer Lutheran - Salt Lake City, UT St. Cletus - St. Charles, MO Website Samples - Main Design
St. Patrick & St. Bridget St. Michael & All Angels Church - Tucson, AZ |