AdorationPro - Upload Instructions
You can enter adorers directly into AdorationPro. However, if you have existing adorers, you can also do a bulk upload.
Bulk Upload Instructions
Bulk Upload Instructions
- Download the Template File
- Follow the template instructions below
- Email the completed spreadsheet template to [email protected]
Spreadsheet Template Instructions
Initial Notes
Multiple Hours
If an adorer has multiple hours, please create a separate line in the spreadsheet for each hour. Please provide their contact information on each line.
Shared Hours
If two people share an hour and use the same email address, such as a married couple, you can enter them together on one line. You can combine their first names in the first name column such as “John & Mary”. Or, you can give each person their own line/row in the spreadsheet.
One Spreadsheet / No Empty Rows
As you move through your adorers and subs, you can put each adorer or sub on a new row. It is best if there are no empty rows in between adorers. Every adorer, regardless of day or hour, should be on the same spreadsheet. There is no need for header rows except on the very first row.
Multiple E-Mail Addresses
The system can only handle one email address per adorer.
Open Slots
The system will recognize if certain slots or hours are not filled. You do not need to enter “open” or anything like that for open spots. In fact, if you do enter “open” in the name field, there will be adorers with the name “open”. So, only add actual adorers to the spreadsheet. The system will recognize open slots.
Column A (1) - Org Code
This is the code that is unique for your organization. You can find it at the end of your AdorationPro link such as
In the above link, paul, is the Org code. Enter the org code in column 1 for each adorer. You can copy and paste or drag to copy on the Spreadsheet.
This is the code that is unique for your organization. You can find it at the end of your AdorationPro link such as
In the above link, paul, is the Org code. Enter the org code in column 1 for each adorer. You can copy and paste or drag to copy on the Spreadsheet.
Column B (2) - Time Slot
This is a numerical code that represents the time slot
Substitutes may be added by using the time slot number of 99999
If someone is both an adorer and a sub, they will have two separate line(row) entries.
Please put the substitutes on the same spreadsheet as the adorers.
Non-Active Adorers
If you have a person who is not a scheduled adorer, not a substitute, but someone you’d like to keep in the system, you can use time slot code = 88888
An example of Non-Active Adorers is a seasonal adorer such as “snow bird”. You can switch non active adorers to specific time slots in AdorationPro.
Regular Hourly Adorers
Begin with the Day of the Week in number format.
Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6, Sunday = 7
Then, append the hour in 24 hour time format to the Day of the Week Number.
Then, append 2 more zeros for the minutes.
This is a numerical code that represents the time slot
Substitutes may be added by using the time slot number of 99999
If someone is both an adorer and a sub, they will have two separate line(row) entries.
Please put the substitutes on the same spreadsheet as the adorers.
Non-Active Adorers
If you have a person who is not a scheduled adorer, not a substitute, but someone you’d like to keep in the system, you can use time slot code = 88888
An example of Non-Active Adorers is a seasonal adorer such as “snow bird”. You can switch non active adorers to specific time slots in AdorationPro.
Regular Hourly Adorers
Begin with the Day of the Week in number format.
Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6, Sunday = 7
Then, append the hour in 24 hour time format to the Day of the Week Number.
Then, append 2 more zeros for the minutes.
12:00am = 0000
1:00am = 0100
2:00am = 0200
3:00am = 0300
4:00am = 0400
5:00am = 0500
6:00am = 0600
7:00am = 0700
8:00am = 0800
9:00am = 0900
10:00am = 1000
11:00am = 1100
12:00pm = 1200
1:00pm = 1300
2:00pm = 1400
3:00pm = 1500
4:00pm = 1600
5:00pm = 1700
6:00pm = 1800
7:00pm = 1900
8:00pm = 2000
9:00pm = 2100
10:00pm = 2200
11:00pm = 2300
Monday 4:00pm = 11600
Wednesday 4:00am = 30400
Friday 10:00pm = 52200
Sunday 12:00pm = 71200
Tuesday 12:00am = 20000
Examples Explained
11600 = Monday 4:00pm
The first 1 refers to Monday
The next 16 refers to the 24 clock format for 4:00pm
The final 00 represents zero minutes.
30400 = Wednesday 4:00am
The first 3 refers to Wednesday
The 04 refers to the 24 hour clock format for 4:00am
The final 00 represents minutes.
Friday 10:00pm = 52200
The first 5 refers to Friday
The 22 refers to the 24 hour clock format for 10:00pm
The final 00 represents the minutes.
Tuesday 12:00am = 20000
The first 2 refers to Tuesday
The 00 refers to the 24 hour clock format for 12:00am
The final 00 represents the minutes.
20000 marks the very first time slot on Tuesday, which is Tuesday 12:00am.
*Currently AdorationPro only supports on the hour time slots so please end all time slots with 00.
1:00am = 0100
2:00am = 0200
3:00am = 0300
4:00am = 0400
5:00am = 0500
6:00am = 0600
7:00am = 0700
8:00am = 0800
9:00am = 0900
10:00am = 1000
11:00am = 1100
12:00pm = 1200
1:00pm = 1300
2:00pm = 1400
3:00pm = 1500
4:00pm = 1600
5:00pm = 1700
6:00pm = 1800
7:00pm = 1900
8:00pm = 2000
9:00pm = 2100
10:00pm = 2200
11:00pm = 2300
Monday 4:00pm = 11600
Wednesday 4:00am = 30400
Friday 10:00pm = 52200
Sunday 12:00pm = 71200
Tuesday 12:00am = 20000
Examples Explained
11600 = Monday 4:00pm
The first 1 refers to Monday
The next 16 refers to the 24 clock format for 4:00pm
The final 00 represents zero minutes.
30400 = Wednesday 4:00am
The first 3 refers to Wednesday
The 04 refers to the 24 hour clock format for 4:00am
The final 00 represents minutes.
Friday 10:00pm = 52200
The first 5 refers to Friday
The 22 refers to the 24 hour clock format for 10:00pm
The final 00 represents the minutes.
Tuesday 12:00am = 20000
The first 2 refers to Tuesday
The 00 refers to the 24 hour clock format for 12:00am
The final 00 represents the minutes.
20000 marks the very first time slot on Tuesday, which is Tuesday 12:00am.
*Currently AdorationPro only supports on the hour time slots so please end all time slots with 00.
Column C (3) - First Name
Enter the first name of the adorer.
Column D (4) - Last Name
Enter the last name of the adorer.
Column E (5) - Email
Enter the email address of the adorer.
Column F (6) - Mobile Phone
Enter the mobile phone number of the adorer.
Column G (7) - Home Phone
Enter the home phone number of the adorer.
Column H (8) - Notes
If you have any notes for the adorer, you can enter them here
Column I (9) - Language
If you leave the column blank, English will the default language.
If you'd like the adorer to receive communication from AdorationPro in spanish, enter the word spanish in this column. Use lower case please.
If you want, you can also enter english for those who prefer Enlish. However, English is the default if you leave the column empty.
Column J (10) - Message Preference
You can leave blank the message preference will be email by default.
Or, you can enter the word text if the adorer prefers text messages from the system. Please use lowercase letters.
You may enter the word email for those who prefer email. However, you can also leave this column blank. If you enter the word email, enter it lowercase with no hyphen.
Enter the first name of the adorer.
Column D (4) - Last Name
Enter the last name of the adorer.
Column E (5) - Email
Enter the email address of the adorer.
Column F (6) - Mobile Phone
Enter the mobile phone number of the adorer.
Column G (7) - Home Phone
Enter the home phone number of the adorer.
Column H (8) - Notes
If you have any notes for the adorer, you can enter them here
Column I (9) - Language
If you leave the column blank, English will the default language.
If you'd like the adorer to receive communication from AdorationPro in spanish, enter the word spanish in this column. Use lower case please.
If you want, you can also enter english for those who prefer Enlish. However, English is the default if you leave the column empty.
Column J (10) - Message Preference
You can leave blank the message preference will be email by default.
Or, you can enter the word text if the adorer prefers text messages from the system. Please use lowercase letters.
You may enter the word email for those who prefer email. However, you can also leave this column blank. If you enter the word email, enter it lowercase with no hyphen.
Column K (11) - Frequency
AdorationPro has an optional frequency option which you can turn ON in the admin settings of AdorationPro. The frequency option allows adorers to sign up for only some weeks in a month such as first Fridays only. If you want this feature ON and you already know the frequency for some adorers, you can create a new column in the spreasheet called “frequency” and use the below codes. Weekly frequency is the default so you only need to enter a frequency code if an adorer does not attend weekly.
You can enter a simple number code which will tell AdorationPro the frequency with which the Adorer has committed.
1 = First week of the month for chosen day
2 = Second week of the month for chosen day
3 = Third week of the month for chosen day
4 = Fourth week of the month for chosen day
5 = Fifth week of the month for chosen day
13 = First and Third weeks of the month for chosen day
24 = Second and Fourth weeks of the month for chosen day
For a weekly commitment, you can leave the field blank as the default is weekly commitment.
The above frequency codes are the only options available. Currently there is no option for a frequency code such as 1234 or 345 for example.
AdorationPro has an optional frequency option which you can turn ON in the admin settings of AdorationPro. The frequency option allows adorers to sign up for only some weeks in a month such as first Fridays only. If you want this feature ON and you already know the frequency for some adorers, you can create a new column in the spreasheet called “frequency” and use the below codes. Weekly frequency is the default so you only need to enter a frequency code if an adorer does not attend weekly.
You can enter a simple number code which will tell AdorationPro the frequency with which the Adorer has committed.
1 = First week of the month for chosen day
2 = Second week of the month for chosen day
3 = Third week of the month for chosen day
4 = Fourth week of the month for chosen day
5 = Fifth week of the month for chosen day
13 = First and Third weeks of the month for chosen day
24 = Second and Fourth weeks of the month for chosen day
For a weekly commitment, you can leave the field blank as the default is weekly commitment.
The above frequency codes are the only options available. Currently there is no option for a frequency code such as 1234 or 345 for example.
Columns L-R (12-18)
Leave these columns empty
Column S (19) - Reminder
By default the reminders will be sent to adorers.
If you wish the system to block the reminders to a particular adorer, enter the word OFF in capital letters in this column.
You can leave this column blank to keep the reminders ON.
Columns T-V (20-22)
Leave these columns blank
Column W (23) - Readable Time Slot
This is a very optional column. If you wish, for your records, you can enter the time slot in a readable format such as Wednesday - 10:00am.
This is only necessary if you want to export the adorers later from AdorationPro and want to remember their readble time slots. Adorers added manually into AdorationPro will have the readable time slot filled automatically. This column does not affect AdorationPro at all. It only affects how the data looks if you choose to export it later.
Column W (24) - id
Leave this column blank
Leave these columns empty
Column S (19) - Reminder
By default the reminders will be sent to adorers.
If you wish the system to block the reminders to a particular adorer, enter the word OFF in capital letters in this column.
You can leave this column blank to keep the reminders ON.
Columns T-V (20-22)
Leave these columns blank
Column W (23) - Readable Time Slot
This is a very optional column. If you wish, for your records, you can enter the time slot in a readable format such as Wednesday - 10:00am.
This is only necessary if you want to export the adorers later from AdorationPro and want to remember their readble time slots. Adorers added manually into AdorationPro will have the readable time slot filled automatically. This column does not affect AdorationPro at all. It only affects how the data looks if you choose to export it later.
Column W (24) - id
Leave this column blank