Three Types of Faith
I was reading recently in Fr. Michael Scanlan's book "Inner Healing", and he mentioned 3 types of Faith. In this article I explore further how thinking of Faith in 3 categories can help us grow.
Doctrinal Faith
This is the basic Faith that most people "learn" or are taught. Doctrinal Faith includes the belief in the Trinity, Jesus' humanity, Jesus' life death and resurrection, the Saints, the Eucharist, etc. In many ways for many people, Doctrinal Faith is what they think of when they think of "Faith".
Providential Faith
Providential Faith includes a generally optimistic view about God's goodness working through our lives. Such phrases as "everything happens for a reason" or "God works in mysterious ways" highlight a providential Faith. Providential Faith often includes the view that sometime or in someway throughout the 85 years of my life, God is working for my good. Providential Faith believes that the God of the Doctrinal Faith is a God who is working generally speaking for our good. Providential Faith believes God does act in human affairs. He might be hidden, He might be mysterious, but He is there working.
Expectant Faith
Expectant Faith believes that God is working in the here and now. Those with expectant faith believe that God desires and will show his love in a very real and powerful and concrete way in the here and now. He is working in the real present tense and He is working in ways that can be seen fairly clearly. He works subjectively for each of us in ways that we can know personally and confidently. Expectant Faith includes the belief that God can be heard, seen, and felt, at least in spiritual ways. Expectant Faith believes that when we pray for healing for someone that God does something. Expectant Faith also believes that real physical healings are possible (but not essential) in the here and now. Expectant Faith believes that God wants to and is demonstrating his love for us in concrete and visible ways in this very moment. Expectant Faith believes that God responds in real time when we call on His name and ask him to help. Expectant Faith is exciting and powerful.
Doctrinal Faith
This is the basic Faith that most people "learn" or are taught. Doctrinal Faith includes the belief in the Trinity, Jesus' humanity, Jesus' life death and resurrection, the Saints, the Eucharist, etc. In many ways for many people, Doctrinal Faith is what they think of when they think of "Faith".
Providential Faith
Providential Faith includes a generally optimistic view about God's goodness working through our lives. Such phrases as "everything happens for a reason" or "God works in mysterious ways" highlight a providential Faith. Providential Faith often includes the view that sometime or in someway throughout the 85 years of my life, God is working for my good. Providential Faith believes that the God of the Doctrinal Faith is a God who is working generally speaking for our good. Providential Faith believes God does act in human affairs. He might be hidden, He might be mysterious, but He is there working.
Expectant Faith
Expectant Faith believes that God is working in the here and now. Those with expectant faith believe that God desires and will show his love in a very real and powerful and concrete way in the here and now. He is working in the real present tense and He is working in ways that can be seen fairly clearly. He works subjectively for each of us in ways that we can know personally and confidently. Expectant Faith includes the belief that God can be heard, seen, and felt, at least in spiritual ways. Expectant Faith believes that when we pray for healing for someone that God does something. Expectant Faith also believes that real physical healings are possible (but not essential) in the here and now. Expectant Faith believes that God wants to and is demonstrating his love for us in concrete and visible ways in this very moment. Expectant Faith believes that God responds in real time when we call on His name and ask him to help. Expectant Faith is exciting and powerful.
All 3 Faiths are a Gift
All 3 of the above types of Faith are a gift. We must not kid ourselves than any of the above our ours by our own doing or strength. To believe Doctrinal faith requires a gift as does Providential and Expectant Faith. How the Holy Spirit gives us these gifts of faith, we don't fully know. But he often confirms what we hear when the content of these faiths are preached or taught to us. He confirms truth as we hear it. As such, if you find yourself lacking in any of the 3 above types of faith, ask the Holy Spirit to give you the faith you need.
All 3 of the above types of Faith are a gift. We must not kid ourselves than any of the above our ours by our own doing or strength. To believe Doctrinal faith requires a gift as does Providential and Expectant Faith. How the Holy Spirit gives us these gifts of faith, we don't fully know. But he often confirms what we hear when the content of these faiths are preached or taught to us. He confirms truth as we hear it. As such, if you find yourself lacking in any of the 3 above types of faith, ask the Holy Spirit to give you the faith you need.
Expectant Faith without Doctrinal Faith
I have seen strong expectant Faith environments that lacked a well formed doctrinal faith. While exciting at times, it can be a little confusing and empty. I've seen people leave their pews emotionally giving their lives to God. It was powerful to see, but also strange because the church we were in had no cross or altar or any indication as to why one would walk forward vs backward in the church when surrendering one's life to God. While church decorating is another topic, it served to pinpoint the overall sense I had that the community was not 100% sure on what foundation it was standing. I admit, they knew God to be powerful and moving and I happily prayed along. But, I also came home and kissed the crosses and crucifixes I kept in my home. By grace alone, fortunately, my mind was not a blank wall of was filled with beautiful doctrine. I was happy to see the beautiful God I had studied moving in that community's mist, but I prayed that community could study more the exciting God they loved. Expectant Faith without doctrinal faith is prone to division. Without the sure guidance of a historical doctrinal faith, the various subjective interpretations of doctrine will lead to division. Division creates other problems which stifles all 3 types of faith.
I have seen strong expectant Faith environments that lacked a well formed doctrinal faith. While exciting at times, it can be a little confusing and empty. I've seen people leave their pews emotionally giving their lives to God. It was powerful to see, but also strange because the church we were in had no cross or altar or any indication as to why one would walk forward vs backward in the church when surrendering one's life to God. While church decorating is another topic, it served to pinpoint the overall sense I had that the community was not 100% sure on what foundation it was standing. I admit, they knew God to be powerful and moving and I happily prayed along. But, I also came home and kissed the crosses and crucifixes I kept in my home. By grace alone, fortunately, my mind was not a blank wall of was filled with beautiful doctrine. I was happy to see the beautiful God I had studied moving in that community's mist, but I prayed that community could study more the exciting God they loved. Expectant Faith without doctrinal faith is prone to division. Without the sure guidance of a historical doctrinal faith, the various subjective interpretations of doctrine will lead to division. Division creates other problems which stifles all 3 types of faith.
Expectant Faith without Providential Faith
This scenario can be powerful but also scary. I've seen those with expectant faith pray so fervently that I wondered if they were leaving any room for God to not act in the way they were asking Him to. While i was humbled by their expectant Faith, I felt that God was a bit subject to their expectation as opposed to them expecting Him to be providential in some way. If a community lacks a providential Faith, they may "need" God to show up with the wonders and signs that they need to see. They might build an entire church or community on signs and wonders and thus not have room to relax and be comforted should God not show up the way they expect. Their incomes and livelihood may even depend on their expectant faith "performing". This pressure makes matters worse. I believe God often generously does meet their needs, but it is this type of praying that often wounds and creates difficulty in the next faith combination we explore.
This scenario can be powerful but also scary. I've seen those with expectant faith pray so fervently that I wondered if they were leaving any room for God to not act in the way they were asking Him to. While i was humbled by their expectant Faith, I felt that God was a bit subject to their expectation as opposed to them expecting Him to be providential in some way. If a community lacks a providential Faith, they may "need" God to show up with the wonders and signs that they need to see. They might build an entire church or community on signs and wonders and thus not have room to relax and be comforted should God not show up the way they expect. Their incomes and livelihood may even depend on their expectant faith "performing". This pressure makes matters worse. I believe God often generously does meet their needs, but it is this type of praying that often wounds and creates difficulty in the next faith combination we explore.
Doctrinal Faith without Expectant Faith
This is perhaps where most Christians are. They've attended Sunday School, studied decently, and frankly done a good job avoiding the "Expectant Faith" scenarios listed above. The trouble however with Doctrinal Faith that lacks Expectant Faith is that Doctrinal Faith is nearly impossible to "sell". While there is a true gift of "Faith" present, the "Faith" is very inward focused and very difficult to transfer. Picture the Apostles walking around with ONLY doctrinal faith. St. Paul even mentions this challenge saying that Christ Crucified is foolishness to the Greeks and a stumbling block for the Jews. St. Paul elsewhere admits he doesn't preach with wisdom but with God's power. Doctrinal Faith is ESSENTIAL but it is slow to spread all by itself. It can become inward focused and can even do the opposite of evangelizing . Doctrinal Faith must be protected of course, but it requires expectant and providential faith to spread. Doctrinal Faith without expectant Faith can lean towards Faith being a "what" instead of a "who". You will hear those strong in doctrinal faith say that their "faith" got them through a tough time. It can sound a bit like they are saying a crossword puzzles or a good novel got them through their time in the hospital. Mixed with expectant faith, a Christian would more likely say, "Jesus got me through my time in the hospital" or "God's love was so present in the hospital room when I prayed".
This is perhaps where most Christians are. They've attended Sunday School, studied decently, and frankly done a good job avoiding the "Expectant Faith" scenarios listed above. The trouble however with Doctrinal Faith that lacks Expectant Faith is that Doctrinal Faith is nearly impossible to "sell". While there is a true gift of "Faith" present, the "Faith" is very inward focused and very difficult to transfer. Picture the Apostles walking around with ONLY doctrinal faith. St. Paul even mentions this challenge saying that Christ Crucified is foolishness to the Greeks and a stumbling block for the Jews. St. Paul elsewhere admits he doesn't preach with wisdom but with God's power. Doctrinal Faith is ESSENTIAL but it is slow to spread all by itself. It can become inward focused and can even do the opposite of evangelizing . Doctrinal Faith must be protected of course, but it requires expectant and providential faith to spread. Doctrinal Faith without expectant Faith can lean towards Faith being a "what" instead of a "who". You will hear those strong in doctrinal faith say that their "faith" got them through a tough time. It can sound a bit like they are saying a crossword puzzles or a good novel got them through their time in the hospital. Mixed with expectant faith, a Christian would more likely say, "Jesus got me through my time in the hospital" or "God's love was so present in the hospital room when I prayed".
Doctrinal Faith without Providential Faith
This combination an be fairly scary. A lack of providential Faith means the believer isn't actually that sure God is working for their good. A lack of providential faith can lead to a type of negative or pessimistic faith. Yet, the strong doctrinal faith remains and the result is a forceful and divisive presentation of what is actually an incredibly inclusive and positive doctrinal faith. Those with strong doctrinal faith and low providential faith are often gloomy and downcast. They are almost "burdened" with believing the doctrinal faith. One almost gets the sense they wish they didn't' believe the doctrinal faith so that they could be free. But, alas, they do believe the doctrinal faith after all and are stuck obeying it the best they can, which is quite tough because they lack the providential and expectant faith that makes living the doctrinal faith possible. Those with strong doctrinal faith and low providential faith are very unlikely to trust anything to do with expectant faith. Those with strong doctrinal faith and low providential faith are often puzzled why "preaching the truth" does not bear fruit. They believe all they have to do is teach the "doctrinal faith" and the people will be converted. In reality, doctrinal teachings bear fruit usually on fertile ground already prepared by providential and expectant faith preaching. Doctrinal Faith preached on infertile ground can be off putting and confusing (a scandal or stumbling block).
This combination an be fairly scary. A lack of providential Faith means the believer isn't actually that sure God is working for their good. A lack of providential faith can lead to a type of negative or pessimistic faith. Yet, the strong doctrinal faith remains and the result is a forceful and divisive presentation of what is actually an incredibly inclusive and positive doctrinal faith. Those with strong doctrinal faith and low providential faith are often gloomy and downcast. They are almost "burdened" with believing the doctrinal faith. One almost gets the sense they wish they didn't' believe the doctrinal faith so that they could be free. But, alas, they do believe the doctrinal faith after all and are stuck obeying it the best they can, which is quite tough because they lack the providential and expectant faith that makes living the doctrinal faith possible. Those with strong doctrinal faith and low providential faith are very unlikely to trust anything to do with expectant faith. Those with strong doctrinal faith and low providential faith are often puzzled why "preaching the truth" does not bear fruit. They believe all they have to do is teach the "doctrinal faith" and the people will be converted. In reality, doctrinal teachings bear fruit usually on fertile ground already prepared by providential and expectant faith preaching. Doctrinal Faith preached on infertile ground can be off putting and confusing (a scandal or stumbling block).
Providential Faith Without Doctrinal or Expectant Faith
Some people have a strong providential Faith but not a strong Doctrinal or Expectant Faith. They believe God is good and that He is working for their good. They might avoid doctrinal issues because they personally are at odds with some doctrinal teachings. Perhaps their life has an area that is not congruent with basic Christian doctrine. They tend to avoid doctrinal discussions out of fear their sensitive topic will come up. They also fear strong expectant Faith because strong expectant faith just might inspire someone to prophecy about the area of sin they are trying to hide. Preaching in strong providential faith will often be positive, cheery, and similar to a warm comforting motivational talk. Sin will not be addressed nor will true spiritual growth. Providential Faith unaided by doctrine or expectant faith often lacks substance. It is comforting but is often not different than secular self-help books or talks. There may be a strong emphasis on service as service is "Christian" topic usually void of much doctrinal discussion. However, the service lacks an expectant faith and thus focuses on providing physical comforts but neglects spiritual ministry and healing. The service often looks no different than service provided by secular groups. Nothing of the service is uniquely Christian.
Some people have a strong providential Faith but not a strong Doctrinal or Expectant Faith. They believe God is good and that He is working for their good. They might avoid doctrinal issues because they personally are at odds with some doctrinal teachings. Perhaps their life has an area that is not congruent with basic Christian doctrine. They tend to avoid doctrinal discussions out of fear their sensitive topic will come up. They also fear strong expectant Faith because strong expectant faith just might inspire someone to prophecy about the area of sin they are trying to hide. Preaching in strong providential faith will often be positive, cheery, and similar to a warm comforting motivational talk. Sin will not be addressed nor will true spiritual growth. Providential Faith unaided by doctrine or expectant faith often lacks substance. It is comforting but is often not different than secular self-help books or talks. There may be a strong emphasis on service as service is "Christian" topic usually void of much doctrinal discussion. However, the service lacks an expectant faith and thus focuses on providing physical comforts but neglects spiritual ministry and healing. The service often looks no different than service provided by secular groups. Nothing of the service is uniquely Christian.
Open to All 3 Faiths
Often those with strong Doctrinal Faith feel at odds with those who confess strong Expectant Faith. And those with Strong Expectant Faith often feel that strong doctrinal faith gets in the way of their expectant faith. I believe this is really a tension based on confusion and perhaps even a lie. To think that you must focus on one or the other is to focus on less of what God wants for you. God wants you to be assured of all that He has revealed doctrinally to the Apostles. AND, he wants to you to live like the Apostles today, experiencing Him working wonders in your midst. The faith of the Apostles was full of doctrinal, providential, and expectant faith. St. Paul's letters sometimes even provide guidance on balancing these faiths. He challenges the communities he writes to to keep all of these faiths in order. He promotes all of these types of faiths and insists we strive for them all.
Those who preach with all 3 faiths preach a sound doctrine, wrapped in a positive world view, and anointed by a touch of power from the Holy Spirit. Their preaching bears fruit and is effective. They are open to the Holy Spirit guiding their preaching while sure of what constitutes sound historical doctrine. They believe, with God, that God wants the best for them and the doctrine and spiritual gifts are used to bring about what is truly best for the hearers in that very moment.
Service conducted by those with all 3 faiths aims also bring about total healing and restoration to those in need. The service minister desires those being served experience God's Providence through material and spiritual generosity. Like Jesus healing the man and forging his sins, the minister full of all 3 types of faith tries, hopes, and expects those he ministers to do be touched by the love of God. He believes his service should include a bold prayer against evil, sin, and addiction. He seeks to offer what only Christian service can offer, an intimate encounter with Jesus himself. He pads his preaching and prayer with physical generosity and worldly comfort. He leaves no room for doubt that God is benevolent on heaven and earth.
Often those with strong Doctrinal Faith feel at odds with those who confess strong Expectant Faith. And those with Strong Expectant Faith often feel that strong doctrinal faith gets in the way of their expectant faith. I believe this is really a tension based on confusion and perhaps even a lie. To think that you must focus on one or the other is to focus on less of what God wants for you. God wants you to be assured of all that He has revealed doctrinally to the Apostles. AND, he wants to you to live like the Apostles today, experiencing Him working wonders in your midst. The faith of the Apostles was full of doctrinal, providential, and expectant faith. St. Paul's letters sometimes even provide guidance on balancing these faiths. He challenges the communities he writes to to keep all of these faiths in order. He promotes all of these types of faiths and insists we strive for them all.
Those who preach with all 3 faiths preach a sound doctrine, wrapped in a positive world view, and anointed by a touch of power from the Holy Spirit. Their preaching bears fruit and is effective. They are open to the Holy Spirit guiding their preaching while sure of what constitutes sound historical doctrine. They believe, with God, that God wants the best for them and the doctrine and spiritual gifts are used to bring about what is truly best for the hearers in that very moment.
Service conducted by those with all 3 faiths aims also bring about total healing and restoration to those in need. The service minister desires those being served experience God's Providence through material and spiritual generosity. Like Jesus healing the man and forging his sins, the minister full of all 3 types of faith tries, hopes, and expects those he ministers to do be touched by the love of God. He believes his service should include a bold prayer against evil, sin, and addiction. He seeks to offer what only Christian service can offer, an intimate encounter with Jesus himself. He pads his preaching and prayer with physical generosity and worldly comfort. He leaves no room for doubt that God is benevolent on heaven and earth.
Catholics and Expectant Faith
To be Catholic is to believe that the Church, by a special charism of the Holy Spirit, cannot error on doctrinal faith. To be Catholic is to blessed with 2,000 years of congruent guidance on what makes up doctrinal faith. With such support and constant guidance, a Catholic is actually the most free to explore and beg for more expectant faith. Catholics have many Bishops, the Pope, and a community of 1 Billion members to guide them should their expectant faith veer in any errant direction. But, in all likelihood, it is Catholics with strong doctrinal faith who will experience God through expectant faith in the most peaceful and loving ways. With a strong doctrinal foundation, the experiences we have of God when praying with expectant Faith do not have to make up for or mask any errors in doctrinal faith. We are free to enjoy and experience the fullness of good as revealed in doctrinal faith and confirmed in our providential faith. Catholics should be leading the way among Christians when it comes to expectant faith.
To be Catholic is to believe that the Church, by a special charism of the Holy Spirit, cannot error on doctrinal faith. To be Catholic is to blessed with 2,000 years of congruent guidance on what makes up doctrinal faith. With such support and constant guidance, a Catholic is actually the most free to explore and beg for more expectant faith. Catholics have many Bishops, the Pope, and a community of 1 Billion members to guide them should their expectant faith veer in any errant direction. But, in all likelihood, it is Catholics with strong doctrinal faith who will experience God through expectant faith in the most peaceful and loving ways. With a strong doctrinal foundation, the experiences we have of God when praying with expectant Faith do not have to make up for or mask any errors in doctrinal faith. We are free to enjoy and experience the fullness of good as revealed in doctrinal faith and confirmed in our providential faith. Catholics should be leading the way among Christians when it comes to expectant faith.
Where do you need to grow?
If you have strong doctrinal faith, I encourage you to beg for and seek more expectant and providential faith. The doctrine you cherish will spread much more quickly if you minister with expectant faith, signs, and wonders. Don't worry. Receive providential faith. God will protect His doctrine as you minister powerfully in the Holy Spirit.
If you have strong expectant faith but lack doctrinal faith or have been wounded by communities that seem to regularly divide, I encourage you to take a real serious look at the Catholic Church. While you might have a point in challenging her members regarding expectant or providential faith, you will likely have to admit there is no other church with a more doctrinally consistent record. No other church has maintained the exact same doctrine for so many years. The Catholic Church needs your expectant and providential Faith. Please study and consider coming to her aid. Perhaps the main reason so many Catholics lack expectant faith is because they are waiting for you to come preach to them. Also, remember that even doctrinal faith is a gift. You don't have to be afraid to study Catholicism. The Holy Spirit will be with you as you study.
Remember all 3 types of faith are gifts, given out of love by God. Are you open to more expectant faith? Are you open to being corrected of formed more properly in doctrinal faith? Do you believe overall that God is working for you good through providential faith? Where are you weak in faith? Excitedly ask the Lord for more faith in your weak areas. Unlike many other human things, you cannot go out and achieve faith. You ask for it from God. However, you can exercise faith. You can create room for Faith to be exercised through you. Study more, pray more, and expect that you can hear, feel, and touch God working in your life and others in the here and now.
If you have strong doctrinal faith, I encourage you to beg for and seek more expectant and providential faith. The doctrine you cherish will spread much more quickly if you minister with expectant faith, signs, and wonders. Don't worry. Receive providential faith. God will protect His doctrine as you minister powerfully in the Holy Spirit.
If you have strong expectant faith but lack doctrinal faith or have been wounded by communities that seem to regularly divide, I encourage you to take a real serious look at the Catholic Church. While you might have a point in challenging her members regarding expectant or providential faith, you will likely have to admit there is no other church with a more doctrinally consistent record. No other church has maintained the exact same doctrine for so many years. The Catholic Church needs your expectant and providential Faith. Please study and consider coming to her aid. Perhaps the main reason so many Catholics lack expectant faith is because they are waiting for you to come preach to them. Also, remember that even doctrinal faith is a gift. You don't have to be afraid to study Catholicism. The Holy Spirit will be with you as you study.
Remember all 3 types of faith are gifts, given out of love by God. Are you open to more expectant faith? Are you open to being corrected of formed more properly in doctrinal faith? Do you believe overall that God is working for you good through providential faith? Where are you weak in faith? Excitedly ask the Lord for more faith in your weak areas. Unlike many other human things, you cannot go out and achieve faith. You ask for it from God. However, you can exercise faith. You can create room for Faith to be exercised through you. Study more, pray more, and expect that you can hear, feel, and touch God working in your life and others in the here and now.